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- INFO-HAMS Digest Wed, 11 Oct 89 Volume 89 : Issue 757
- Today's Topics:
- AO 13 Spacecraft Emergency
- ARRL and User Fees (2 msgs)
- ATV Balloon Landing
- Does It Matter How Thick Antenna Wire Is?
- Early Radio History (2 msgs)
- How to begin..
- Icom IC-720
- Mail ordering radio gear.
- TS440 MODS
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 11 Oct 89 18:19:58 GMT
- From: idacrd!mac@princeton.edu (Robert McGwier)
- Subject: AO 13 Spacecraft Emergency
- Thanks to Gary for bringing my message over from CIS. I should have
- already sent an update. IMHO, a software bug was uploaded or uncovered
- as we have completely regained control, and the hardware all checks out
- on AO-13. It is quite easy to leave some JUNK around on the stack by
- forgetting to do some stuff. The spacecraft runs a multitasking system
- based on IPS (an extension of Forth by Karl Meinzer, DJ4ZC, see his article
- on same in an old BYTE magazine article). If you leave junk on the stack,
- and it returns from a subroutine call and it blows you out into the weeds,
- you could easily get the exact behavior we got. James Miller, G3RUH,
- reset the IHU easily and he, Graham Radcliff, VK4AGR, and Peter Gulzow
- DB2OS, got software in, checked out the hardware, and are about ready
- to let people back on. The transponders are definitely under computer
- control and OFF. As soon as you can use them, we will issue a bulletin
- to that effect.
- 73
- Bob N4HY
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Oct 89 23:42:25 GMT
- From: unsvax!arrakis.nevada.edu!storkus@uunet.uu.net (Mike Storke N7MSD)
- Subject: ARRL
- This is the first AND LAST time I do this. I have had many messages come
- to me with bad return addresses. So, in the future, if you don't receive
- replies back from me, you know what happened. This message goes to Bob
- Parnass, 73's all! And I guess to all of you out there, too.
- ****************************************************************************
- Thanks for the info, but remember, I've been listening to people discontented
- with it for a LONG time, I've only been on usenet about 2/3 of the time I've
- been here (and that's been a month and a half). I know quite a few people VERY
- dedicated to the ARRL, and it is a good thing, but I think they are at least
- STARTING do drift in other directions. I am mainly an observer, I only throw
- in my opinions when I feel it's necessary. I'm going to stay an observer for
- a while as far as the ARRL is concerned, and see what happens. I've got a long
- life ahead of me, and I'm going to use it to see what the ARRL drifts to
- (EVERYTHING drifts). 73's,
- *******************************************************************************
- Mike P. Storke, N7MSD @ University Nevada/Las Vegas-only a student, sorry :-)
- Email: storkus@arrakis.nevada.edu Packet: KF7TI @ LAS:K7WS-1 or ANGEL:K7WS-2
- Snailmail: Box 462 Las Vegas, NV 89119 "I don't trust the D.O.E.-do YOU?"-ME!
- Disclaimers?? You gotta be kidding, I claim everything I say!
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Oct 89 20:42:37 GMT
- From: mips!wyse!stevew@apple.com (Steve Wilson xttemp dept303)
- Subject: ARRL and User Fees
- In article <295@rsiatl.UUCP> jgd@rsiatl.UUCP (John G. De Armond) writes:
- >
- >Let's not be too hasty here. None of the proposals I've seen involve a
- >HUGE fee. I personally support the concept of a license fee. A license
- >fee could do two things for us. First, it could eliminate the excuse
- >of no money for enforcement that the FCC uses for not helping us
- John,
- The problem with this arguement that I see is that it pre-supposes that
- the money earned by the FCC would go back to the FCC. All funds collected
- by the FCC would go into the general fund, not necessarily into the FCC
- operating budget. The FCC budget is still going to be chopped every
- year as a function of Graham-Rudman(sp?) just like most every other
- federal agency.
- >enforce our rules. Second, we can quite legitimately state that we
- >are paying a fair price for our access and therefore we cannot be
- >denied access to our bands without due process. In other words,
- >we'd have a much better argument the next time someone makes a grab
- >for a band.
- Right now we have a VERY strong arguement to the contrary. Thank
- you Hurricane Hugo. We've been putting in time as volunteers
- both in emergencies, and preparing for same long before it became
- fashionable in Washingtion to do so. Now they are telling me I
- have to pay to volunteer my time?
- >As it is, the ARRL's kneejerk reaction against user fees just
- >perpetuates the stereotype of hams as beggars. I used to run into
- >that stereotype when I was promoting the service to TEMA and FEMA officials.
- >One comment heard over and over was "Every time I've tried to work
- >with hams, they've come running with their hands out". Maybe we
- >ought to try and mitigate this stereotype and help pay our way.
- Maybe, then again, I haven't seen much useful come out of FEMA in the
- last couple years at the local level either. So we share similar
- opinions of each other ;-)
- As for paying my way I feel I do it in spades, both by providing MY
- equipment in emergencies, and my time preparing for same. Now
- this isn't to say that I don't enjoy the time spent, but again, to
- have to pay for it as well!
- Steve KA6S
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Oct 89 00:40:32 GMT
- From: gem.mps.ohio-state.edu!uwm.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!phil@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
- Subject: ARRL and User Fees
- One of the reasons I joined the ARRL was the understanding that it was an
- organization that (at least CAN) represent the views of ALL amateurs.
- It is clear that with the cut backs in QST being grossly slanted against
- certain particular areas of interest, that QST, and thus ARRL, is being an
- organization that represents JUST SOME GROUPS of amateurs. This is not what
- I want to be a member of, and unless some action is taken, I, too, will not
- renew my membership when renewal time comes up (9/90). I just recently
- decided to renew just because the ARRL voted to petition the FCC to create
- a (not exactly perfect) no-code class of amateur license even though my own
- director voted against it. I did let them know why I renewed and I hope
- they took note of it.
- I will be writing to them and expressing my concern that through its main
- publication QST, the ARRL is effectively becoming an organization that does
- not make a committed representation of the full diversity of amateur radio.
- I will of course support organizations that represent and support limited
- areas of amateur radio activities THAT I AM INTERESTED IN. I will also
- support organizations that are very general purpose. The ARRL is clearly
- taking a direction away from being general purpose, and towards a direction
- I happen to be not interested in.
- So if QST had to cutback 25%, then why not cut 25% out of each area?
- Since they did NOT do that, it's obvious they don't want to represent
- all amateurs.
- --Phil howard-- <phil@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
- -.-- . ... - .... .. ... .. ... -- -.--
- .-.-.- ... .. --. -. .- - ..- .-. . ..-. .. .-.. .
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Oct 89 00:40:36 GMT
- From: gem.mps.ohio-state.edu!uwm.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!phil@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
- Subject: ATV Balloon Landing
- > ~r atv.txt
- ~p
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Oct 89 19:23:01 GMT
- From: shlump.nac.dec.com!koning.dec.com!koning@decwrl.dec.com (Paul Koning)
- Subject: Does It Matter How Thick Antenna Wire Is?
- It depends. If you want to obey the National Electric Code, then it does.
- The code has requirements on minimum wire size. What the minimum is
- depends on (a) how long the antenna is, (b) what material (copper vs.
- steel (copperweld) vs. aluminum), and (c) whether it's a transmitter
- or a receiver antenna. Read the NEC.
- paul, ni1d
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Oct 89 13:21:47 GMT
- From: deimos.cis.ksu.edu!harris.cis.ksu.edu!mac@rutgers.edu (Myron A. Calhoun)
- Subject: Early Radio History
- In article <857@swbatl.UUCP> uusgta@swbatl.UUCP (4237) writes:
- >I'm interested in finding other's interested in the very early history of
- >radio and electronics (i.e. circa 1900).....
- [several lines deleted]
- >others on the net interested in trading email on the subject. Got any strange
- >friends that babble about "coherers", "thermionic valves" or "audions?"
- A couple of years ago my wife and I were visiting in The Netherlands
- and toured EVOLUON, a museum-like place in Eindhoven owned by Philips
- Company (they own Norelco, Signetics, and North American Philips here
- in the USA). Anyway, one of their displays is about radio, and part
- of that display has a very old setup containing a coherer. Having
- tried to make one in my youth, I set about explaining how it worked to
- my wife; while I was so doing an Evoluon employee overheard me, intro-
- duced himself, and then activated the display for actual operation!
- So I got to send some Morse code from their sparkgap transmitter to
- their coherer-based receiver over a distance of at least ten feet! :-)
- --Myron
- --
- Myron A. Calhoun, PhD EE, W0PBV, (913) 532-6350 (work), 539-4448 (home).
- INTERNET: mac@ksuvax1.cis.ksu.edu
- BITNET: mac@ksuvax1.bitnet
- UUCP: ...{rutgers, texbell}!ksuvax1!harry!mac
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Oct 89 16:21:33 GMT
- From: mcsun!hp4nl!philapd!wc8!lexw@uunet.uu.net (Lex Wassenberg)
- Subject: Early Radio History
- In article <4034@deimos.cis.ksu.edu> mac@harris.cis.ksu.edu (Myron A. Calhoun) writes:
- >
- >A couple of years ago my wife and I were visiting in The Netherlands
- >and toured EVOLUON, a museum-like place in Eindhoven owned by Philips
- >Company (they own Norelco, Signetics, and North American Philips here
- >in the USA). Anyway, one of their displays is about radio, and part
- >of that display has a very old setup containing a coherer.
- Should anyone be planning to come to Eindhoven to the Evoluon (possibly to
- see some radio history), I must disappoint them. The Evoluon is closed and
- will not be opened again, at least not as a museum of electronics.
- If memory serves, it will be used by Philips as an exhibition of the history
- of the company itself.
- ________________
- / / ___ _____/ Lex Wassenberg, Philips TDS
- / / /__ \/ ___/ Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
- / / ___/ /__ lexw@idca.tds.philips.nl
- / / /____/\___/
- / /____________/ It's said that only 10 people on the whole world understood
- /_______________/ Einstein. I'm so brilliant that nobody understands me at all.
- Disclaimer: Since nobody understands me, I speak only for myself.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Oct 89 10:43:51 GMT
- From: eds1!wa3wbu!ka3adu!dave@psuvax1.cs.psu.edu (dave hultberg)
- Subject: How to begin..
- Try Radio Shack for a Novice Preparation course. It is $19.95 and includes a
- book and two casette tapes. The book has every possible question that can be
- on the test, the correct answer and an explanation of the answer. The two
- tapes will teach you morse code and get your speed up to the required 5wpm.
- It worked for me so well on my Novice and Technician tests that I am using
- their General book and tapes to prepare for the test this coming Sunday.
- 73 de Dave KA3UZR
- --
- ------------------| UUCP: uunet!wa3wbu!ka3adu!dave |-------------------
- Dave Hultberg KA3UZR
- 1407 Concord Rd.
- Mechanicsburg, Pa. 17055
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Oct 89 14:38:31 GMT
- From: eds1!wa3wbu!ka3adu!dave@psuvax1.cs.psu.edu (dave hultberg)
- Subject: Icom IC-720
- I am considering buying an Icom IC-720 hf rig from a co-worker. This is the
- original IC-720, not the 720A. I would appreciate any information, pro or con
- on this rig. Also what caused the change from 720 to 720A? I would hate to
- spend my hard earned $$$ if some serious defect caused Icom to bring out the
- 720A as a replacement. Suggestions for a fair price are also welcome.
- 73 de Dave KA3UZR
- --
- ------------------| UUCP: uunet!wa3wbu!ka3adu!dave |-------------------
- Dave Hultberg KA3UZR
- 1407 Concord Rd.
- Mechanicsburg, Pa. 17055
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Oct 89 10:35:26 GMT
- From: eds1!wa3wbu!ka3adu!dave@psuvax1.cs.psu.edu (dave hultberg)
- Subject: Mail ordering radio gear.
- I have only dealt with EEB myself. They have always filled my orders promptly
- and on the one occasion where something was missing from a shipment it only
- took a phone call and the missing item was on its way. I recommend them.
- 73 de Dave KA3UZR
- --
- ------------------| UUCP: uunet!wa3wbu!ka3adu!dave |-------------------
- Dave Hultberg KA3UZR
- 1407 Concord Rd.
- Mechanicsburg, Pa. 17055
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Oct 89 18:53:23 GMT
- From: gem.mps.ohio-state.edu!ginosko!cg-atla!raybed2!ewb@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (EUGENE BALINSKI)
- #: 108861 S5/Amateur Satellites
- 09-Oct-89 16:55:14
- Sb: AO-13 Emergency
- Fm: Bob McGwier N4HY 74615,1366
- To: ALL
- AMSAT has declared a spacecraft emergency. Until further
- notice OSCAR-13 users are asked not to use any transponder
- which might be found active from OSCAR-13.
- For yet unexplained reasons, the IHU aboard OSCAR-13 crashed
- sometime at or near perigee between orbits 1012 and 1013. The
- crash occurred between the hours of 07:00 and 10:00 UTC
- on the 9th of October according to OSCAR-13 command station
- DB2OS. OSCAR-13 command stations would be interested in any
- telemetry captured between those hours on the 9th of October.
- Anyone who has any data captured during that time frame
- should either post such material to AMSAT-DL on Telemail or
- contact AMSAT president Doug Loughmiller, KO5I at (214) 784-
- 0194 who will make arrangements to forward it to DB2OS and
- the other command stations.
- Again, it is very important that all activities aboard OSCAR-
- 13 be suspended until the OSCAR-13 command team determines
- the nature of the problem at hand. All AMSAT volunteers are
- asked to help spread the word of the suspended activities in
- their areas.
- AMSAT will provide updated information through normal
- communications channels as soon as it becomes available.
- Everyone's cooperation is greatly appreciated in this matter.
- 73
- Bob
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Oct 89 19:26:42 GMT
- From: shlump.nac.dec.com!koning.dec.com!koning@decwrl.dec.com (Paul Koning)
- Subject: TS440 MODS
- Re the Gordon West article about TS440 mods:
- It is not necessary to Reset the processor in the TS440 after making the mods.
- The TS440 reads the diodes on every powerup, not just on a processor reset.
- Among other things, this means you could put a switch on the general coverage
- diode, and select general coverage vs. ham-band-only transmit from the outside
- of the box. Cycling the power will cause it to take effect. People with
- transverters might want to use this property.
- paul, ni1d
- ------------------------------
- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #757
- **************************************